There was time in which TV shows were enjoyable, but nothing special.
The came The Shield, that set the tone for a different kind of TV show and
TV shows were never the same again
In my opinion TV shows have become better than most movies and
that has been the case for a long time.
Now a lot of times when I talk to people I wonder why they always
chose the shit shows to watch. Shows like the Disney Marvel TV shows,
Star Wars spin-offs, Star Trek, some fantasy shit, or those lame ass “comedies”.
The great shows, that hardly anyone watches, get the short end of the stick.
It’s time people knew the TV shows that I swear by. Why? Because it doesn’t get
better than that. Those shows made me laugh, curse, sit on the edge of my seat or pump me full of adrenaline. If a show can play with your emotions and feeling like that, that is a good
So without further ado here we go. Watch them or live in shame forever.
10. Keen Eddie
This show was broadcast by Fox and got axed after 1 season which was
just plain ridiculous. It is one of the best comedies ever made and probably
put Sienna Miller on the map. Mark Valley has serious comedic chops and
he showed them in this show. This show was full of quirky characters, who
seemed to have a lot of fun. It was a US-England cooperation of actors
and that made it even funnier. The premise is that showboat American
cop Mark Valley gets relegated to work with the London police. He pays
upfront to rent an apartment in London, but when he arrives at the apartment,
the niece (Sienna Miller) of the person letting Mark Valley rent it, secretly moved in.
This leads to hilarious confrontations, next to the police work that Mark Valley does
in the show. A one of a kind TV show that deserved better. They don’t make
funny shows like that anymore.
One of a kind TV show
9. Ted Lasso
Americans making a TV show about football (soccer). It is mindboggling,
but they made one of the greatest and feel-good TV shows ever.
The premise is that an American hand egg coach goes to England to
coach a football (soccer) team. He has no clue, what football is, but is
learing it while he is at his work. It does help he has a smart assistant
coach, who knows things about football. The football team is mainly
a bunch of losers, but the story is about whether Ted Lasso will manage
to forge a team out of it. The research they did on football was pretty
good for Americans, I have to say, because normally research on
European countries or European sports is abismal. Lots of great
characters, lots of football fun, lots of heart and even a cameo by one the best
football coaches in the world, make this the best sports TV show
ever made. A true masterpiece.
Best feelgood show ever
8. Supernatural
The only show on CW that is not CW at all. Yes, you read it right.
Sam and Dean Winchester are badass characters ridding the world
of demon scum, ghost scum, devils and gods. Humor, suspense, great characters,
great world building and horror make this horror show one of the best.
One caveat. It is 15 seasons, but only season 1-6 are actually worth
watching. Seasons afterwards are a hit and miss, but you will come back
for the Winchester brothers.
No pussy lotion boys
7. Braqueurs (Ganglands)
If they ever make a Metal Gear Solid movie, the team responsible
for Braqueurs must make it. What a tense TV show this was.
Sami Bouajila is a badass actor and kicks a lot of ass in this TV show.
This is a violent and intense TV show, showcasing a group of
robbers who are the best at what they do. However, at one moment,
they get in trouble and shit hits the fan. French TV shows at their best.
6. Justified
If you survive the first season, in which they are still finding their groove,
you will be in for a great ride. This TV show is a tour de force of acting
and every person acting in there gave it their all. Set at the backdrop
of Kentucky, Timothy Olyphant deals with all kinds of criminals trying
to uphold the law. It is one long ride with all kinds of characters that need
to be seen to be believed.
5. Strike Back season 2-5
This is the best action show ever bar none. Why no one saw this
Cinemax show is mindboggling. This is a man’s show. Michael
Stonebridge (Philip Winchester) and Damian Scott (Sullivan
Stapleton) are a badass duo making the world a safer place.
If you can get past the propaganda, you are left
with an action packed show that knows no equal. A lot of people
play Call of Duty, but this is the best version of Call of Duty you will
ever get. There will never be an action show like this again.
Season 2 to 5 are the Stonebridge and Scott seasons and those
are the best. Season 6,7 and 8 are a big step down.
Badass motherfuckers
4. Legit
This is the funniest shit ever. Stand-up comedian Jim Jefferies plays himself
in this comedy that is rude, crude, politically incorrect, sometimes even mean
and funny AF. The premise is that Jim travels to the US to become famous
as a stand-up comedian. He stays at a friend’s place, who also has a handicapped
brother and the 3 of them try to live life to the max. Absurd situations, embarrassing
situations, funny situations. Legit has them all. Jim wanted to be legit and that
TV show was definitely legit. See what I did there?
Funniest shit ever
3. Banshee
Before Anthony Starr became that deviant Homelander, he was sheriff Lucas
Hood. A criminal who acts as if he is a sheriff. He lays down the law in his own
way. Together with his ex-girlfriend, an ex-boxer and a hacker they embark on heists. This show is action packed with boobs, babes and fisticuffs (as coined by Stalkeye). Lots of badass opponents
and a fantastic scenery also helped this show a lot and who can forget devious Lily Simmons in here?
Double trouble
2. Mr Inbetween
The show hardly anyone watched contains one of the most badass characters you will
ever find in a TV show. When he grins you know someone is gonna get fucked up.
This Aussie TV show kicked my ass hard. Ray Shoesmith is such a badass character.
The premise is, that he is a hitman and a money collector, that has to take care of a daughter in the meantime.
He goes on various missions, but also gets to deal with scum that he needs to take care
Don’t fuck with Ray!
1. The Shield
Do I need to even say more? At one time this TV show was head and shoulders above anything on TV.
And it set a trend of gritty shows. Shows like Mr Inbetween, Banshee and Strike back would give the Shield a run for its money, but tension wise maybe only Strike Back comes close. Vic Mackey
is a badass. If you don’t know about this show, it is time you did. The premise is
that Vic Mackey is a different kind of cop. He is corrupt, manipulative, a master
tactician and badass. Together with his Strike Team (other cops) he tries to keep
the streets clean. However, the Strike Team gets into a lot of trouble and it
is fascinating